Thursday, December 22, 2005

Squash that flat head punk

Teeh hee hee

Doodle by TP

Monday, December 19, 2005

Parrot fashion

(click image to enlarge)

I'm not sure of the origin of this doodle, but it's of a charater that appears quite frequently in my doodles, the parrott, and a wooly friend.

It's onomatopoeic, do you think they represent my co-workers? The farmyard that is my office? The parrot's appeared in the guise of a toucan with chicken's feet in my counselling course notes, maybe that's something to do with learning things parrot fashion?

Doodle by TP.

Another meeting doodle

(click image to enlarge)
Thankfully I am subject to the torture of few meetings at my work. I have trouble concentrating in the ones I do. Here's another meeting doodle from a while back.
I think that thing's a shuttlecock, though it might be a spaceship blasting me away from the meeting boredom. The evil face must represent my manager!
Doodle by TP

Friday, December 16, 2005

Meeting doodle

(taken with my camera phone, click to enlarge)

We have weekly meetings at work, where we feedback what we've been doing all week, this is my doodle from Thursday's.

It's a tower, up the side or my note pad.

Doodle by TP

About Doodle Blog

Doodle blog is a place for graphic mind dumps. Anyone can contribute, just scan your doodle, take a photo, email it from your camera phone.

Send it to travellingpunk at gmail dot com and I'll add it to the doodle files.

Feeling Freudian? Submit your analysis of the doodles to the comments.